Genesis Wealth Management Limited

Investment advice

On the investment side traditional tax beneficial investment opportunities such as Individual Savings Accounts (ISAs), National Savings products and pension investments are all considered and can be integrated with more innovative investments such as Enterprise Investment Schemes and Venture Capital Trusts.

Our investment portfolios are often built on certain key building blocks representing the base of an investment pyramid, to create a secure and firm foundation. Thereafter, further investments which may gradually become more speculative and/or longer term in nature can be added in decreasing amounts to diversify and develop the portfolio as required. In effect the higher up the pyramid or risk spectrum you go the smaller your exposure to those areas may become.

A crucial aspect within this analysis is an understanding of your preferred approach to investment risk. This could be an approach which becomes clearer over a period of time and to assist in that our ongoing review service provides an opportunity to ensure that the original advice is continually and thoroughly monitored.